E=EDUCATION – Expanding the Mind

I get to grow again with my daughter who is now age 37, and experiencing life from a little over three months of healing from three brain procedures. Once again we begin to utilize our knowledge of developmental fluidity… this is our 4th time. Initially, as an elementary student. Then recovery from complex issues beginning in adult transition recovery. A third time after medical trauma after an unusual reaction to a common medical strategy… And now…three months out of surgeries…here we go again… enjoy our journey.

What is developmental fluidity?

Developmental fluidity refers to the idea that individuals’ psychological and behavioral traits can change over time based on various factors such as experiences, environment, and interactions with others. This concept challenges the traditional belief that people’s traits and behaviors are determined mainly by genetics or early childhood experiences. Instead, it highlights the importance of ongoing learning, adaptation, and personal growth in shaping who we are.

The idea of developmental fluidity suggests that people are not fixed in their personalities and abilities but instead have the potential to continue growing and changing throughout their lives. This has important implications for understanding human potential and the possibilities for personal development and change. It suggests that people can continue to learn, adapt, and grow as they encounter new experiences and challenges, leading to increased resilience, creativity, and overall well-being.

In 1997, we began our first ordered journey in Neuro Development. Our daughter was then thirteen and we had the window of opportunity to early adulthood. On our last brain body adventure we used what we learned in our first two journey’s and merged it with developmental fluidity.

Why is Understanding Neurodevelopment Important?

  1. Discovering the Origins of Disorders: By studying how the brain develops, scientists can learn what goes wrong in neurodevelopmental disorders like autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. For example, they can see if certain brain areas are not forming correctly or if some connections between brain cells are not working as they should.
  2. Creating Effective Treatments: Knowing the details of brain development helps doctors and researchers design better treatments and interventions. This could mean developing new medications, creating specialized learning programs, or finding therapies that target specific brain areas to support children and adults with these disorders.
  3. Preventing Problems: Understanding brain development can also lead to strategies that prevent neurodevelopmental disorders. This might involve ensuring proper nutrition for pregnant women, reducing exposure to harmful substances, or early screening and intervention programs for young children.

How Can This Knowledge Help?

  • Tailored Support: With better knowledge, treatments can be personalized. For instance, a child with ADHD might receive a combination of medication and behavioral therapy tailored to their specific needs.
  • Early Intervention: Identifying issues early in a child’s development allows for early intervention, which can significantly improve outcomes. Early therapies can help children develop necessary skills and reduce the impact of the disorder.
  • Educational Strategies: Teachers and parents can use this knowledge to create supportive learning environments. For example, knowing that a child with dyslexia needs different reading strategies helps them succeed in school.

In summary, understanding neurodevelopment is like having a detailed map of how the brain grows and functions. This map helps scientists and doctors find the best paths to prevent and treat neurodevelopmental disorders, leading to healthier and happier lives.

Disruptions in neurodevelopment can result in a variety of developmental disorders and neurological conditions, such as ASD, FASD, ADHD, and intellectual disabilities.

Understanding neurodevelopment is important for elucidating (to understand or make something clear) the origins of neurodevelopmental disorders and for developing interventions and treatments to support healthy brain development.

Research in this field continues to advance our understanding of the intricate processes that shape the developing brain and the implications for cognitive and emotional development throughout the lifespan.

Over the past 37 years, we have experienced the original neuro-development training in helping our daughter develop additional abilities. We have used similar strategies in rebuilding these connections now four times. The human body is remarkably resilient.

Published by jodeekulp

Jodee Kulp, is an award-winning author, producer and advocate who works tirelessly to serve children and families of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Her behavioral work in understanding canine fear and applying it to helping adults gain life skills is momumental and parallels our work with EAGALA Equine Therapy. It will be exciting to watch this progress. - Chris Troutt, Papillion Center Current Projects include: Pearlz Work Embraced Movement PraiseMoves LIFT (Laughter in Fitness Training) LiveAbilities Red Shoes Rock. Stop FASD PawZup Life Stories

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